Beyond self-care: Try these 5 therapeutic tools to manage stress better during COVID-19 restrictions
The Conversation Canada
As the world faces a second wave of COVID-19 lockdown, we need new strategies for managing stress that go beyond self-care.

NYTimes: Experts Fear Increase in Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders
“Given that many mothers are caring for infants while home-schooling children, the study’s lead author, Emily Cameron, a doctoral candidate at the University of Calgary and a clinical psychology resident at the University of Manitoba, said there’s a clear need to develop affordable clinical services that take into account the increased parenting demands during the pandemic.”

Café Scientifique Online: Parenting during the Pandemic
UM Café Scientifique brings together experts with non-researchers in a relaxed atmosphere, to learn about their research and the questions it raises
Watch an online forum on multidisciplinary perspectives and recommendations for parenting during the pandemic.